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Mining in Cornwall
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Most of our ancestors were either miners or fishermen, there being scant few other choices in the West Penwith area. The diaspora that occurred in the late 1800's related to the disappearance of both as industries in Cornwall.

Major mining operations - Cornwall
19th Century

You may wonder why Cornwall had the mineral mines that the rest of Britain missed out on. There is a simple geological explanation. During the late stages of the cooling of the mass of granite that makes up a lot of Cornwall, fissures opened up in the granite when it was still molten, and more hot molten rocks bubbled up through the granite from the earth's interior. These new rocks contained many minerals, and as they crystallized they formed mineral lodes - tin, copper, zinc, lead and iron with some silver. Because the ore bearing rocks formed in this way, rather than being sedimentary rocks like coal (hence coal is laid down in great flat plates), they have to be mined vertically rather than horizontally. Each fissure has to be mined straight down into the earth. Each fissure needed a separate mine. Therefore a great many vertical shafts were needed, rather than the one shaft that was used in coal mining.

Inevitably the mine shafts dropped below the level of the water table, and the water had to be pumped out if mining was to continue any deeper. Hence pumps and the houses for the engines that drove the pumps were a necessary part of mining. These engine houses were the sturdiest buildings in the mines, as they had both to house the machinery and support the massive beams that worked the pumps. It is not surprising that it is the engine houses that survive in Cornwall. In addition the closer to sea level the engine was sited, the less the height the water needed to be pumped to remove it from the mine. Therefore we find today some of these engine house perched on the sea cliffs.

Coal is not native to Cornwall, so it had to be imported, by ship, to keep the engines in steam. Getting coal to the engines was in itself a difficult and expensive operation. Water was sometimes used to power waterwheels, but suitable rivers were not plentiful either in Cornwall.

There were no other substantial buildings in a typical mine. Given that many of the mines were small and vertical, they did not invest in cages to haul the miners up and down, instead access to the mine was by ladder, a tiring part of the daily toil of the miners. And of course the Cornish Pasty was used originally by the miners as their food underground. It was easy to carry, and could have savory in one end and sweet in the other.

Mining existed here from the days of stone age man, but it was in the 19th century that mining reached its zenith, before foreign competition depressed the price of copper and later tin, to a level that made Cornish ore unprofitable. At its height, the Cornish Tin Mining Industry had around 600 steam engines working to pump out the mines. During the 20th century various ores became briefly profitable, and mines were reopened, but today none remain. The collapse of the world tin cartel in 1986 being the last nail in the coffin of tin mining.
Source- Camborne School of Mines


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